Friday, July 16, 2010

Going Green--an update already?

I wrote about the Korst's year-long Green Garbage Project yesterday. Later that evening, I stopped at an art supply store to buy a new sketch book and drawing pencils/charcoal. The first set of pencils I picked up was quite nice and I almost bought it, then I hesitated when I realized that the plastic it was packaged in had no recycling number. The other set came in a metal tin wrapped in a small piece of cardboard and thin, plastic wrap-- both of which are recyclable. And it was cheaper. "But the first set has so much more! More pencils, more charcoal, more more more!!" I walked around the store clutching it to my chest like a little Gollum. "My precious... My precious!" Okay, I didn't actually say that, but I'm sure the store people were wondering what was wrong with me as I wandered the aisles talking to myself, looking over my shoulders for the go-green police and repeatedly returning to where all of the pencils were hanging, torn between quantity and eco-friendly. Finally, I decided to stop pacing like a crazy woman and look at sketch books for a while. Guess what I found? The perfect book made in the USA of 100% recycled paper with a Sustainable Forestry Initiative label (meaning they don't just recklessly chop down trees). I was elated but I managed to contain myself and not dance down the aisle--I do occasionally dance down aisles. How could I buy such great paper and at the same time purchase plastic waste? Besides, another force was at play here. The North American "more is better" complex. I'm usually on guard against it but I was unwittingly allowing it to influence me. "Well," I reasoned, suddenly seeing things clearly, "The metal tin is convenient and portable, whereas if I bought the other set I would need to find a container to store them in. And how many pencils and charcoal sticks do I really need right now anyway? Not to mention it's cheaper." I happily purchased the smaller set and the fabulous sketch book and went on my merry way to figure drawing class. Anyway, I need to get organized so that I can do this whole green thing properly.


  1. Cool blog! I have this kind of problem a lot too when trying to decide what products to buy. Hopefully as more environmentally friendly products are purchased, manufacturers will get the hint!
    - Elizabeth H

  2. First blog I've ever checked out. Insightful, well written; expresses the inner conflict that we often subdue or better yet blow through. Your great-aunt was right.. you write well.
    'course there is a bit of bias.. I am after all your great-aunt's only brother.
    Love from Mr. Flip-Phone (considering new one with QWERTY keyboard
